Manufacturing process of brick

- In this article, we are discussed about "manufacturing
  process of brick." first of all, we are talking about 'site
  slection for manufacturing of brick.'
Site slection for manufacturing of brick -
- for manufacturing of brick , the following point should be
  kept in your mind -
(a) the ground should be levelled.
(b) the available clay in this area should be pure.
(c) any communicating facilities like roads should be
    connected at site.
(d) For labour, at least some facilities should be available,
     like water, foods material or etc.

site for brick manufacturing:

Manufacturing process of brick -

- the following steps should be used for manufacturing using
  step by step -
1. Preparation of clay.
2. moulding of brick
3. drying of brick
4. burning of brick
5. Cooling of brick
1. Preparation of clay -
-  the following process are used for preparation of clay-
 (a) unsoiling
 (b) digging
 (c) cleaning
 (d) weathering
 (e) blending
 (f) tempering
(a) unsoiling - 
   we know pure clay presents at 200mm depth from surface
  so removing of upper soil layer is known as unsoiling .
(b) digging -
  after unsoiling process, now soil is dug out by using JCB or other instrument .

Digging of soil by tools
(c) Cleaning -
  after the digging process, soil should be cleaned. in cleaning, the plastics or wooden product which presents in soil is removed.
cleaning should be done properly and carefully.

(d) Weathering -
generally, soil is dug out just before one month of rainy season.
in this process soil leaves in weather 3-4weaks for softening of clay.
(e) blending -
in this process, if we want to add any ingradients so mixed in this step.
first of all the clay particles are spreaded on the ground and
ingradients are sprinkled over it , after mixing is done.
(f) tempering -
in this process, water is mixed to the soil particles at least 20-30% and mixing is started.
generally mixing is done by feet of person but sometimes pugmil machine is also used for tempering.
mixing is continuously unless it comes in plastic state.
pugmil instrument
2. Moulding of brick -
in this stage, brick is moulded by using moulding machine.
we know, after drying and burning of bricks , it shrinks and so  its original size is reduced .
for obtaining actual size of brick we require to increase the size of mould. hence the size of mould is increased by 8-12%
if we use steel mould then its thickness is 6mm.
both side of brick mould is opened
- different types of moulding -

hand moulding

(a) hand moulding or ground moulding -
 the following steps are used for moulding-
(1) First of all, ground is levelled and ash or sand is sprinkled over it.
(2) Now taking mould , and is sinked in water after that soil 
is placed in mould and now taking out & keeps on ground.
(3) again mould is sinked in water and repeated same process.
(4) for avoid to sink mould in water, then sand or ashes is sprinkled in mould and after soil is placed and making brick this is known as sand moulded bricks.
(5) for making the frog on brick surface using pallet board with 10 - 20mm thickness.
- All process are repeated.
process of hand moulding:
(b) Table moulding or machine moulding -
in this case, using 2m×1m table for moulding and sometimes machine is also used for table moulding.
brick moulding machine :

when brick is moulded by using machine so its strength is very high makes very sharp as compare to hand moulding.
table moulded bricks having also very high strength .
table moulding process :
- generally, a brick moulder moulds brick approx. 750 nos. in a day.

3. drying of raw brick -
after the moulding of raw brick , now it requires for drying so that it makes free from moistures.
for drying of brick , it is arranged in such away  so that circulation of air should be possible for all bricks.
drying of raw bricks:
- generally the drying period of raw bricks are 3-10days.
and after drying the brick shrinks by 2-4%.
4. Burning of bricks -
after drying of brick, now it is burnt in kilns or clamp.
generally, brick is burnt in kilns because strength of brick is more in case of kilns as compare to clamp.
burning of bricks in kilns:
temperature is required for burning of brick is 1100°C throughout 10-40hrs.
due to burning of bricks, shrinkage is 2.5-4%

5. Cooling of brick -
the brick is cooled, and the period requires for cooling if brick is 3-12days.
after cooling of brick, then it supplies.


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