Design of RCC cantilever beam

step-1  Compute depth of beam :-
               Leff./d  = 7              d=effective depth.
                   D=d+(ⲫ/2)+cover    ⲫ=dia of bar
        generally , in case of cantilever beam moment is varied and at free                end  its value is zero , so we reduce the depth of beam at free end.
        if we take an example then if 400mm depth at fixed end then at free 
       end provided 200mm. 

design of cantilever beam rcc
cantilever beam design :
step-2  loading and moment calculate & check the depth -
               M=0.36fckbxu(d - 0.42xu)        M= Factored moment
                                                                                  b= width of beam
                                                                                  d= depth of beam required
                                                                                  xu= neutral axis
if depth is ok then continue.

step-3 compute steel -
       M= 0.87fyAst(d - 0.42xu)
Now asssume dia. of bar and compute no. of bars are required.
step-4  curtailment of beam -
in case of curtailment assume a section and calculate depth and moment at this depth. as per this moment steel is provided . generally it is most important to save my money.
step-5 determine spacing  -
in this step determination of spacing of stirrups .
it depends on the permissible shear strength.
         a. determine  τv & τc , 
                   τv= shear force/b•d
           if τv>τc then design required.
           if τc/2 < τv < τc then minimum shear reinforcement provides.
             Sv= (0.87fyAsv)/0.4b             Sv=spacing of stirrups
                                                            Asv= area of stirrups


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